Matthews Challenge

Almost two centuries ago the development of railways changed the world. Today trains continue to be the backbone of mass public transport but their limitations in this age are all too apparent.

Trains are long massive machines, large compared to the people they carry, running steel on steel with very complex safety and operating issues and a high maintenance requirement for both train and track. They provide an infrequent service especially outside urban areas and most rail track is empty for over 95% of the time. Above all railways are inflexible and costly to operate and passengers are unwilling or unable to meet these costs resulting in a need for government subsidy.

The time has come to challenge the use of this old technology.

The Matthews Challenge is a competition for teams and individuals to propose a flexible, safe, reliable and affordable solution for the provision of mass public transport fit for the 21st Century.

First prize: £500 – Second prize: £300 – Third prize: £200

The competition closes on 15th September 2019 with the winner to be announced on 4th October 2019.

Click here for details